Monday, August 30, 2010

Beat Whitey Night at Iowa State Fair?

To say the least, this "incident" should be a concern for all of us. I am trying understand how this would have been handled if mobs, gangs of young white teens had attacked blacks leaving the same fair, yelling "beat the you know whats." So, the first indication that something is amis, is the muffeling of this story. It is only being carried locally.

For example:

Did beat “whitey night” occur in Iowa?

At first this sounded like one of those urban legends, especially since there has not been more widespread news coverage of this event. If this is true, then it outragous. If a group of people went around the fairgrounds targeting people they should be locked up. I would still like more facts on this incident because we have too many unknowns.

However, here is a copy of one police report:

Race matters, and we need to address this

And then there is this take on affirmitive action...

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